Locals deserve preferential access to tenders – Endjala

Home National Locals deserve preferential access to tenders – Endjala


The Governor of Omusati Region, Erginus Endjala strongly feels local and regional authorities should consider local entrepreneurs when awarding tenders for projects initiated within a region.

He said preferential treatment when awarding tenders should be given to local businesses to enable them to make money and also pledge more funds towards developmental projects in their respective regions.

“There is no point that when we need money we remember them, but when we have jobs we forget about them,” he stated.

Endjala made the remarks at the fourth Olufuko Festival held at Outapi on Friday. Governor Endjala also warned against entrepreneurs who want to become millionaires within one day after acquiring a tender, before even laying a single stone on the project they are working on.

According to Endjala some entrepreneurs use funds intended for projects to buy luxurious cars and this in turn deprives these projects of much-needed funds and could result in shoddy workmanship.

He said entrepreneurs who fail to deliver should be blacklisted from acquiring government tenders in the future: “Remember this is taxpayers’ money. Government cannot continue to be milked.”

Endjala further advised entrepreneurs to be on the lookout for tenders within the region, but in the same vein urged them to refrain from delivering shoddy and sub-standard work.

“An entrepreneur was given a contract to construct a clinic, however on the day of the handover the clinic was already falling apart,” he recalled, in reference to some slapdash projects with inferior workmanship.

Endjala called upon entrepreneurs to visit the governor’s offices when they experience difficulties in delivering government projects. “Our doors are always open to talk about development, but not for corruption,” he said.