Police issue festive season warning

Home National Police issue festive season warning

By Loide Jason

ONGWEDIVA – Police in the north have warned the public not to withdraw huge sums of money and carry such money in the open particulalrly if they are alone.
Speaking to New Era, the Ohangwena Regional Police Public Relations Officer, Sergeant Abner Kaume Iitumba, also warned that people must avoid exposing cash to strangers who may turn out to be criminals.

“When people are going to the bank to withdraw money they must make sure that no one sees the amount they have withdrawn, because criminals have a tendency of checking how much money one is withdrawing and then follow you outside to rob you,” said Iitumba.

Iitumba further cautioned people to refrain from leaving notes on their doors indicating they have travelled, saying it is dangerous to inform strangers that the owners are not around.

The Omusati Regional Police Public Relations Officer, Warrant-Officer Lineekela Shikongo, warned that people must never ask for help from people they do not know or trust.

“Avoid dark corners and make sure that you walk in a group of three to four people. Similarly, avoid consuming too much alcohol with people that you are not familiar with or you do not know. When going to parties, do that in a group and make sure you inform the people from your residence of the time you will return home and your route,” said Shikongo

“Avoid carrying a lot of money and expensive items like cellphones and laptops, avoid talking to strangers and doing businesses behind corners or in the dark,” urged Shikongo further.

Shikongo also urged drivers to keep their vehicle keys with them at all times and ensure their vehicles are always properly locked including the boot and if applicable the sunroof.

“Park your car at busy and open well-lit areas. Use a well-attended, secure parking building if possible. At home, lock the car and the garage,” cautioned Shikongo.