
Seminar to devise ways to mitigate GBV

Home Crime and Courts Seminar to devise ways to mitigate GBV

WINDHOEK – Namibia has one of the highest rates of Gender Based Violence (GVB) in the entire Southern African Development Community (SADC) region, according to the head of the Criminal Investigation Directorate (CID) Commissioner Nicholas Endjala.

Eleven cases of gender-based violence have been reported to the Namibian Police since the beginning of the year. Thirty-six cases involving suspected passion killings were reported from January 2013 to May 2014. These statistics were revealed Commissioner Endjala at the official opening of a three-day GBV seminar in the capital on Monday.

According to Endjala such crimes are committed on a daily basis and include rape and so-called passion killings, which consist of murder cases involving intimate partners such as husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-husband/wife, ex-boyfriend/girlfriends and domestic violence among others. The seminar is organised by Nampol in response to President Hifikepunye Pohamba’s directives to fast-track investigations of GBV cases.

The seminar also intends to  device strategies on how to effectively prevent, detect and investigate GBV crimes committed against women and children, including the trafficking of women and girls. It will also seek to ensure that women and children who experience GBV and other forms of abuse receive appropriate support services, in addition to increasing the levels of knowledge and understanding by investigators on the dynamics and challenges of GBV.

Delegates at the seminar are expected to devise ways to improve the prevention and detection of GBV cases. Endjala said gender-based violence occurs mainly in private and is not easily detected and is therefore under-reported by victims, family and neighbours.

“It is clear from the given statistics that there have been fluctutions in gender-based violence cases reported to the police for the past three years,” he said, adding vigorous awareness campaigns are now being conducted that lead to more criminals cases being reported.

“Victims have become more empowered and are confident to report cases at police stations and to their community leaders,”

explained Endjala. The seminar is being attended by all stakeholders, who include prosecutors, defence lawyers and judicial officials among others and ends today.

Gender Based Violence Indicators


Indecent assault 159123122

Murder 262343298

Rape 10571073979

Attempted  Rape 277272238

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa