
SOUL FOOD – One thing matters the most…

Home Archived SOUL FOOD – One thing matters the most…


I’m the type of person who is always trying to finish a few tasks, always fired up to do my best and outdo myself.

But over the past weeks I have been in a different state. I have lost some people close to me and some people close to me have lost someone close to them. This situation happens to most of us from time to time. It takes an emotional toll on you, you hit your lowest point and you start questioning almost everything. I know we are all going to die but it is only normal to experience some sort of emotions, so I did just that.

But I made one big mistake, I refused to mourn. Instead I thought some words of encouragement will do so I turned to Sir Richard Branson ‘s book “Screw it, let’s do it”. This is a simple one and just illustrate the hardships. Branson has experienced in life but he never had given up. The book did not make me feel better, I then realised that I did not need motivation, I needed to mourn.

I was sad, not lazy. I gave up on Branson’s book and I started thinking about the people I have lost, The good memories I have with them, but I also asked myself about more good times I could have had of them.

I wished I could see them one more time, I wished it was hollow  dream but it was not. I questioned the extent to which I am involved in the lives of the people around. I questioned my busy life.

“But I don’t know how not to be busy “ , “ I am not lazy “, “I work to provide  for my family, friends and my community “, these are some of the excuses I ran in my head to justify my busyness. But what is all the work worth if I don’t spare a minute ( or two ) for these people.

I have come to believe that one thing matters the most above everything, and that is the fond memories you have of the people in your life. You can work non-stop, acquired all the worth, own a private jet, go to exotic island, you will still long for good relationships. When you are sick in the hospital, who will come visit you, who are you going to share your sorrows with.

We are human beings, not human doings. Sometimes all we are supposed to do is to be happy (or sad ) , be with the people you love and just enjoy the moment. I am not at all saying that we should drop our books, and go hang out with friends during classes, or miss work to go chill with some cousins, No.  But once in a while take time off and spend it with people. After all, all work and no play made Jack a dull boy.

My friends and I like to say, “ time is not money or minutes when it comes to the people you love, it is moments that counts “. You are not an Island, you are who you are because of other people so take time to be there for them. Eventually we are all going to die so I think that is a pretty good reason to appreciate what we have, and just enjoy it before we get onto the next task.

So take today to appreciate and connect with your loved ones because today might be all you have. In loving memories of my grandfather Joel Kashima Amunyela. RIP