Meet the Imannuel Shifidi LRC

Home Youth Corner Meet the Imannuel Shifidi LRC

WINDHOEK– Youth Corner Sabina Elago speaks to members of the Learner Representative Council (LRP) of the Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School on their responsibilities on the council.

Yerome Piet Booss (Head Boy): “I as a head boy I am responsible for running the Learner Representative Council, so every LRC report to me. I am the learner mouthpiece to the principal and teachers. I enjoy being a head boy because other learners respect me just as I respect them.”

Abraham Haihambo (Deputy Head Boy): “I stand in for the Head Boy when he is not available. I have to make sure that the council’s responsibilities are curried out well and on time. I also help out with organising activities and maintain discipline at school. My fellow learners are respectful I cannot complain.”

Aili Mbonga (Head Girl): “I am responsible for the whole school, I have to make sure that other learners obey the school rules, maintain the school environment by making sure it is clean and learners are well dressed in their school uniform. Shifindi learners are obedient toward me and they are well disciplined.”

Selma Mulokoshi (Deputy Head Girl): “I stand in for the Head Girl, imperilment law and agree on certain issues and assist in some department of the council when needed. I like it because most of the learners are respectful.”

Loide Iita (Secretary): “I am responsible for taking minutes at the Council meeting, write letters. The Council has improved compares to the privious years and I enjoy it because we are a team with other learners now and respect each other.”

Tommy Ananias (Secretary): “I curry out all the information discussed in the council to the learners and teachers. Take minute at meetings. I enjoy it because we work as a team.”

Joseph Isack (Entertainment): “I am responsible for organising shows and other entertainment activities at the school. I have to make sure shows programmes are on time and well prepared. The beginning was hectic we had trouble from other learners but now everything has changed as the school has order.”

Uahengisa Tjozongoro (Sport and Culture): “I am the girl behind sport and culture; I arrange tournaments and cultural events. I train other learners in athletic and netball and I make sure learners who are on sport activities attend their training. It is easy to deal with other learners but there will always be those that like to cause trouble.”

Ellie Kiinge (Sport and Culture): “I organise sport events, arrange completion of school choir and help train other learner in different sport clubs, like now we are busy preparing for class tournament.”

Candy Hambira (Education): “I am responsible for debates, drama and spelling clubs and make sure afternoon classes are supervised. I invite motivation speaker to speak to us. It is amazing how we are a lot of people from different backgrounds and working well together.”

Andreas Ihinda (Education): “I help other learners with their schoolwork. I go through classes to find struggling learner to help them. As I am a motivational speaker I sometime speak to other learners.”

Kalomo Hidishange (Treasure): “I take care of the council money, draw up a budget when we have events and keep the records. It is not something easy but I enjoy it, we work well together.”