
A moment with Ipupa Fadeyi – How should your career growth look?

Home National A moment with Ipupa Fadeyi – How should your career growth look?


It is usually at the end of the year when we pause to gauge where we are on our career path and how to get to the next level. The absence of consistent personal and career growth can leave us feeling stagnant and trapped in a cocoon. As CEO of your career, it’s essential to metamorphose into the career of your dreams and the leader you aspire to be.

Career growth means different things to different people. However, in its true sense, career growth is the direction and shape the graph of your career takes on, from the time you start your first job to where you are now. It is the progression of the long-term process towards your ultimate professional goals.

The journey

The path to achieving your ultimate professional goals or finding a meaningful career is not always a straight line. It is full of twists and turns characterised by numerous sacrifices and trade-offs. The journey can lead you into making a lateral move that allows you to learn new skills, endure a pay cut, switch careers, relocate, and so on. Despite all these inevitable adjustments, it is best to give your all early in your career, because life priorities you make time for now are the ones in which you will ultimately succeed and grow.

The deep end

Don’t shy away from challenging tasks or being thrown into the deep end. The most valuable learning experiences occur in the deep waters when we think we can’t swim. With the necessary support, the deep end is a place for growth. The challenges you encounter along the way will teach you something new about yourself, about your work and life in general.

Indicators of career growth

Whatever stage you are in your career, it’s important to reflect on how you fared during the past year in order for you to adjust your sails. It’s never too late to become who you want to be – and failing at something does not mean you are a failure. The following indices, though by no means exhaustive, indicates progress and a measures of how much you are growing in your career :

A sense of purpose and an increased appetite to press towards your ultimate professional goals.

A promotion or change in scope of work – taking on new responsibilities.

Positive change in your financial wellness.

Mental transformation supported by a growth mindset.

Developing meaningful professional relationships and network.

Incremental achievement of your set career goals as you are moving towards your big-picture career vision.


Career growth not only leads to continued professional success, but also to personal fulfilment. It is a living process, and growth is synonymous with life!


*Ipupa Fadeyi is a personal and career growth mentor and founder of IpupaK Grow You Mentorship.