
A Word on Self Defence

Home Archived A Word on Self Defence

By Sifu Lawrence Hochobeb

Self-defence is not a crime; rather it is the right of any living being. It is very common to speak about violence, crime and mention that we are aware of it. But, our thoughts are often inclined towards a passive state. Various self-defence trainings, guides, tips and suggestions available today can assist in picking and learning the correct self-defence skill. The best way to save one self from violent, heinous acts is to prevent it from happening or to fight back.

Common Sense

Most of the violence or harassment occurs because of lack of common sense. Any situation that gives you warning signals of danger and insecurity calls for the use of your common sense. If you are aware of places, people and circumstances that can lead to any sort of violence, then avoid them by all means. Any dangerous situation requires fast action. If you feel you are going to be attacked by a person, your action should be fast and prompt. Any delay from your side may not give you a second chance of saving yourself.


Strategy becomes very important when trying to defend yourself. Any wrong move from your side might lead to dangerous effects. Your brain is one of the most powerful tools that can be used to defend yourself. In most of the cases where victims have been able to take control of the situation, it is believed that they were thinking and acting fast and made the right decisions.


In the process of saving your life, it is very important to be tactical in your approach. If you can tackle the situation amicably, you can save yourself. You should be well aware of your tactics that you would try to implement in such dangerous situation. You should also know the consequences of the tactics you will use.


Certain situations do not require violence to save one’s integrity rather it requires diplomacy. For example, sexual advances by colleagues, friends and others can be stopped at the right time if you can be strict and diplomatic. This approach of self-defence does not require any physical confrontation; rather it is a very intelligent way out from such situations.
– Sifu Lawrence Hochobeb is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Namibia Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy.