
Abattoir the lifeblood of Witvlei village

Home Business Abattoir the lifeblood of Witvlei village

WITVLEI – Residents of the sleepy village of Witvlei live in fear that Witvlei Meat might close its doors in light of the ongoing court battles to evict the export abattoir. For the vast majority of residents this would mean the end of their world as such an eviction would plunge the economy and development of the village into chaos.

Although Agribank last week agreed not to proceed with the eviction of Witvlei Meat as was ordered by the High Court recently, residents still feel their future hangs in the balance.

Speaking to New Era on Wednesday, school children and adults alike agreed on one thing: if Witvlei Meat is evicted, the whole village on the B6 highway en-route to Gobabis would collapse.

“After Witvlei Meat re-opened the abattoir some seven years ago, Witvlei has become a much better place to live in,” says Ouma Maria Gawaxas. At 66, she has spent most of her life in Witvlei, and has seen her children and grandchildren grow up in the quiet village which was on the brink of extinction for some years before Witvlei Meat re-opened the abattoir that provides 170 permanent jobs and work for another 70 people on a casual basis.

“Look around you, Witvlei is nothing without Witvlei Meat. The abattoir keeps this village alive. It is the fuel that keeps us all going every day. Witvlei meat pumps thousands of dollars into this little place every week; it runs various community projects, and it spends a lot of money to uplift our people by being involved in school activities and sport. They even sponsor our local soccer team,” she noted.

Silvester Witbooi, 42, agrees. He has just come all the way from Post 2 south of Witvlei with his only set of wheels: a trusted donkey cart. With him came some friends and family to buy rations for the days ahead. “Life is hard in this area, but it would be unbearable without the support of Witvlei Meat. Witvlei has no jobs to offer. I do not own any livestock and make a living by helping out on Post 2 with the caretaking of the animals. Witvlei Meat is the only company that creates jobs in this town and without them, we will all be goners,” he chuckles while pointing at two men putting up a “To Let” sign in front of the Witvlei Country Lodge.

Confused and desperate employees of the abattoir said government, Agribank and the operators of the abattoir must agree on a settlement, which will stop the eviction and guarantee their ultimate employment.

They were informed last week about the agreement of Agribank that the eviction not take place, but they still fear for the worst. They said the abattoir saved their lives and the lives of their brothers and sisters. “We have worked here for seven years and by working every day we at least have dignity. There is hardly any development going on here and we  expect to get Build Together houses soon, but it means nothing if our jobs at Witvlei Meat are not secured.”

Annestasia Mujombi, 28, says Witvlei was a place of criminal activities and drunks before the abattoir re-opened. “Now we have built our dreams here and we cannot have them shattred. Witvlei is our home and our concern. The Omaheke Region cannot afford more unemployment and that is what will happen if the abattoir closes,” she said while comforting her siblings Denni and Rihanna after a long drive with the donkey cart.

By Deon Schlechter