
Action awaits atGustav Kandjii school 

Action awaits atGustav Kandjii school 

Zebaldt Ngaruka 

EPUKIRO – The inaugural Gustav Kandjii Secondary School (SS) football and netball tournament will commence this Saturday at the school sports ground and Otjinene Sports field in the Omaheke region.

The school sports coordinator, Eunice Kauaaka, told New Era Sports that the competition is primarily aimed at generating funds for the school’s boundary wall, which is in a shabby state.

“Our school fences are old, broken down, and they pose risks to the learner’s safety. This competition is one of the means of collecting funds that will help us to build a proper boundary wall for our school,” she said.

 The coordinator said that about 33 netball and football teams from various schools countrywide confirmed their participation in the competition.

“We will also have a beauty contest on Saturday evening. We requested each participating school to register two contestants for the event,” she added. 

She said Friday is set for the arrival of teams and the tournament draw, which is set for 19h00 at the school dining hall.

Asked where the visiting schools will be accommodated, the coordinator said Gustav Kandjii SS will provide accommodation to all.

“We are ready. Everything is in place, and our visitors are prioritised in terms of accommodation and their safety,” said Kauaaka

Each participant registered with N$1 800 for both netball and football, while N$200 is for the beauty pageant. 

The football teams will compete for N$12 000, whereas netball will vie for N$8 000.

In addition to the trophy, the football winner will take home N$6 000 cash and 20 gold medals.

The runners-up will pocket N$4 000 plus 20 silver medals, while the third place will walk away with N$2 000

In the netball category, the winner will take home a trophy, N$4 000 and 12 gold medals, while the runners-up will receive N$1 500 cash.

Kauaaka reiterated that Gustav Kandjii SS’ teams are ready.

“We have home-ground advantage, and the visitors must come prepared,” she said.

Epukiro SS’ Meeja Meeja said he will take four teams to Otjinene. 

They want to dedicate this tournament victory to their late player, Kuhepa Toto Ndjoze, who was hopeful of participating in the tournament. 

“Sadly, his journey was cut short. We are well prepared, and we want to honour our late captain with the trophy. Our team is reigning champion in many competitions, and we want to maintain that winning streak,” he said.

The games will kick off at 08h00 on Saturday, and are expected to end on Sunday. 
