
Author: Karlos Naimwhaka (Karlos Naimwhaka )

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Uncommon sense – Social media, a missed opportunity

Uncommon sense – Social media, a missed opportunity

In today’s interconnected world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. From sharing selfies on Instagram to posting thoughts on Twitter, these platforms have revolutionised how we communicate and express ourselves.  However, while some societies leverage social media for meaningful discourse and innovation, others remain ensnared in a look-at-me culture that misses the...

Uncommon sense – Finding clarity and strength in silence

Uncommon sense – Finding clarity and strength in silence

In a world that prizes connectivity and constant interaction, solitude has become a fearful subject. The frantic pace of modern life, punctuated by ceaseless notifications and the relentless hum of social media, makes this idea alien and undesirable. Yet, solitude is not only necessary, but a profound gift that nurtures strength, spirituality and a deeper...

Uncommon sense – Imagining a better alternate world

Uncommon sense – Imagining a better alternate world

Imagine living a life completely different from the common. An experience where aesthetics is not so significant but, mere tools to create harmony with humankind.  Imagine a world where traditional celebrations like birthdays, anniversaries, Father’s or Mother’s Day, Christmas and the New Year are no more special than any other day.  Imagine if you could...

Uncommon sense – How technology changed power dynamics

Uncommon sense – How technology changed power dynamics

In the early 1990s, the media industry was dominated by a few powerful players who controlled the flow of information.  Television networks, radio stations and print publications were the gatekeepers of news and entertainment.  The idea that an individual could have the means to broadcast their content to a global audience was unfathomable. Fast forward...