As humans, we seem to discriminate when it comes to pain or difficulty. There are some difficulties that we seemingly and easily accept and willingly endure because the outcome is desirable. We can endure long periods and sleepless nights of studying to get a qualification. This, sometimes we are willing to do even in harsh conditions because we know that it is only temporary and once it is done, our lives and circumstances will greatly improve. We accept the pain we must go through after surgery because after the pain we know and believe that we will be healthier, feel and maybe even look great.
However, as much as we are often ready to go through them, it is often the opposite when faced with mental and emotional challenges. It seems as if we just cannot handle or accept that whatever we may be going through is also just as temporary as the others. Due to the lack of the same insight we apply to the other types of challenges, life becomes a drag, and we end up dreading every single moment of our lives. Unlike others, we are not willing to go through and endure the pain and difficulty. This often happens because we are only preoccupied with the feeling that we have in the moment and not thinking about the greater lessons and growth that may come with it. We wish all the experiences could just instantly go away. This is because we have not accepted, just as with the other challenges, that at some point in our lives, we will experience mental and emotional challenges too.
With that said, it is also important to understand that having not accepted emotional challenges is wrong and shameful. It is nothing more than a learning curve, and hence it is advisable that one seeks professional help for support and guidance on how they can regain and reclaim the power that the circumstances and the experience may have to take away from them. At the same time, it is also worth understanding that it is highly likely that one of the reasons we discriminate when it comes to challenges is because we find ourselves in situations, we may have never imagined may happen to us. It seems to be a human condition that we subconsciously feel that certain things only happen to others, and we get shattered when they suddenly happen to us too.
It is therefore important to individually have the awareness that when it comes to the events of life, no one will be spared. Therefore, although it is always good to hope for the best, we should all be prepared to experience some loss and difficulties at some point in our lives. Even in those moments, as difficult as they can be, we must know that it is and has always been one inevitable part of this life. Even more importantly, we must remember that it is all temporary, just as our lives in this earthly realm are. With this insight, we are more empowered and open to the lessons that these situations present. We will be more ready to go through the challenges and seize the opportunities for growth that they may present.
*Uncommon Sense is published bi-weekly in the New Era with contributions from Karlos Naimwhaka. YouTube channel: Karlos Lokos