Author: NSK (NSK )

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Industry loop – Miss Namibia 2024: My verdict

Industry loop – Miss Namibia 2024: My verdict

Miss Namibia under the previous director Connie Maritz was straight cow dung. I hated every pageant staged by Connie and her team since my earliest recollection. And I have been around hey, nothing about the pageant under the previous director reflected the true essence of Namibian society.  Year in, year out… I criticised the pageant,...

Industry loop – May the real podcaster please stand up?

Industry loop – May the real podcaster please stand up?

Every Maria and Dantago has a podcast these days. It is ridiculous, but hey, in 2024, they will accuse me of ‘gatekeeping.  Gatekeeping is such a terrible thing in an unregulated industry, where once again, every Magdalena and Tjivetje can just get up and be an artist.  This includes the talentless ones, and those who...

NSK’s monthly favs: June

NSK’s monthly favs: June

Let’s continue our monthly tradition of sharing a personal playlist of strictly Namibian music. As usual, evidently there is a need to add a disclaimer: This list that I share monthly is not a New Era list. It is not sanctioned by New Era or endorsed by the publication in anyway.  This list is not...

Industry Loop –   Census 2023 …a wake-up call!

Industry Loop – Census 2023 …a wake-up call!

The findings of the preliminary results of the 2023 Housing and Population Census (HPC) should be a great opportunity for both the powers that be and the entertainment and arts sector. Why? Because one of the findings affects both sides of the coin exponentially.