
Build It brings relief to Omuthiya

Home National Build It brings relief to Omuthiya

OMUTHIYA -Local people and from the surroundings of Omuthiya who previously procured most of their building materials from Ondangwa have welcomed the recent opening of Build It, a hardware store in Omuthiya, with the Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba saying the new venture will bring relief.

“The hardware and building material retailers are critical to the construction industry. [It is] one of our key economic sectors which immensely contribute to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as they directly and indirectly support manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade; financial services, transport, mining, agriculture and tourism,” said Mbumba in a speech read on his behalf by the Presidential Affairs Minister Martin Andjamba during the official opening.

The hardware retailer was constructed at a cost of N$28 million and employs 35 local youths.
“Omuthiya is a new but fast growing town with high demand for housing, roads, shopping centres, recreational facilities and other infrastructure; thus the arrival of Build It in Omuthiya could therefore not have come at a better time. I am aware that there are other retailers of building materials in Omuthiya,” highlighted Mbumba.

In the same vein, he reminded the business fraternity about the country’s dwindling economy, coupled with uneven housing supply and demand. He said the phenomenon has not only distressed policymakers, but also causes anxiety for the business community and the public at large. 

“As a government we continue to seek solutions that will address the current economic climate and pursue innovative ways to remedy the existing housing shortage and social constraints that are linked to these economic conditions,” assured Mbumba.

 Oshikoto Governor Henock Kankoshi shared similar sentiments saying Oshikoto is peaceful, hence requesting for more investments. “This development signifies the adherence to the government call which exhorts developing the regions,” stated Kankoshi.

On his part, the owner and founder businessman, Herman Nekomba, said the hardware retail idea was born in 2012, when he wanted to renovate his room at the village. At the time, Nekomba said, he had to procure building materials from Ondangwa, a process he described as cumbersome, costly and time consuming. 

“On that day (2012) after procuring my materials, we later realised upon arrival at the village that we had forgotten some things and I was forced to drive back to Ondangwa which is 80 kilometres away. It is at this point I realised I could do something that will help the community at large, thereby bring the services closer to the people,” stressed Nekomba, saying it was not easy to reach this end, as he encountered a lot of obstacles along the way.
Build It Omuthiya is a franchise and is a second store opened by Nekomba as he opened the first one last year April in Okahandja. 

“This is our economy and we are the economic players, thus is vital for us to be part of this process which is to enhance and grow our country’s economy. Taking up this challenge was not easy but it was pertinent to do so,” he explained.