
Cattle Thieves Apprehended

Home Archived Cattle Thieves Apprehended

By Anna Ingwafa WINDHOEK The police have arrested five cattle thieves just north of Windhoek in the Brakwater area, which has become the latest hunting ground for cattle rustlers. The five were caught red-handed at the Single Quarters open market selling the stolen meat to small time businesses specialising in selling small roasted pieces of meat last Friday. Relating the incident to New Era, owner of the stolen beasts Fillemon Angula said the thieves chased the cattle up a hill where they slaughtered them with pangas on Thursday night. After killing the animals, they cut them up into large chunks without even skinning the carcasses. A “kapana” seller from the Single Quarters whose name has been given as Varde Nghindegwa was reportedly contacted by the rustlers to buy the meat. Nghindegwa was not willing to buy, but a colleague of his bought the meat and started selling on Friday. Angula, the cattle owner, is also a “kapana” seller at the popular venue. It was during his sojourn at the Single Quarters that his attention was drawn to specific carcasses when he noticed cattle hooves that looked familiar. At that juncture, he confronted one colleague who was selling the meat. The colleague in turn revealed his source and later took him to the place where the two carcasses were obtained. The trail led to the culprits. Angula is calling on other meat sellers and the community at large not to buy meat from stolen animals, as that amounts to supporting criminals. Warrant Officer Matengu yesterday confirmed the arrest of the suspects and gave their names as Erasmus Mapumba, 30, Silas Nakale, 18, Dickson Mutukuta, 24, Mathias Thomas, 21 and Kleopard Neema, 23. They all appeared at the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court yesterday on charges of stock theft.