
City not letting RedForce go

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City not letting RedForce go

Isai Sipunga


In the midst of its residents’ outcry against RedForce, the City of Windhoek is adamant that it would keep the services of its debt collector.

Recently, the residents have been complaining about RedForce, a debt collection company employed by City to collect debt on behalf of the council. Last week,  the residents through the Katutura Residents Committee (KRC) handed over a petition seeking for the immediate removal of RedForce.

The KRC’s petition, submitted to Natanael Nghivafe, the Security Operations Officer of Parliament, expressed strong concerns about the exorbitant interest rates attached to municipal bills. 

The residents argued that these rates have reached unmanageable levels, making it virtually impossible for them to settle their debts.

Among the demands listed in the petition were calls for the complete write-off of municipal debts incurred by pensioners and the swift removal of RedForce as the City of Windhoek’s designated debt collector.

 The KRC’s position reflects the growing frustration within the community regarding financial hardships and the perceived heavy-handed tactics employed by RedForce in debt collection.

In response to the public outcry, City spokesperson Harold Akwenye on Monday said the City acknowledges the concerns raised by the KRC but maintained that RedForce’s effectiveness in debt recovery is pivotal for the municipality’s financial stability. 

The contractual agreement between the City and RedForce has been a crucial element in streamlining the debt recovery process and maintaining fiscal responsibility, he said.

He further said the City is willing to deal with the request to have municipal debts and high interests written off, provided they meet certain criteria. However, he said the city firmly stands by its decision to retain RedForce as the designated debt collector.

“As tensions rise between the City and its residents, the spotlight remains on finding a balance between fiscal responsibility and addressing the legitimate concerns of the community, especially regarding the financial burden faced by pensioners. The situation is likely to unfold further as discussions continue between the City officials and concerned residents,” he said.



Caption: Unhappy… Windhoek residents are not happy with the City of Windhoek making use of debt collector, RedForce.

Photo: Isai Sipunga