Water is scarce at farm Hatsamas 283 – a settlement that is part of the Windhoek Rural constituency, situated 60km outside Dordabis.
Residents have complained they are not able to wash their hands regularly as per the World Health Organisation’s directives, which is considered as the most effective way to prevent the spread of Covid-19.
“We’ve always had an issue getting water; we have registered our grievances with the regional council – and up to date, there is no proper implementation. Our health is at stake here if the virus reaches our area,” says Elvine Visser, a local resident.
“But since the lockdown, most private water tankers have refused to come – and when one does, it runs out of the water fast because the entire locality is experiencing a shortage.”
Visser explained that early this year, the Khomas Regional Council approached them and advised them to apply for the borehole drilling service, which they did, but there is no progress up to now.
“We are being advised to wash our hands regularly to mitigate the virus but how can we do that without water,” he questioned.
Approached for comment, Khomas Chief Regional Officer Clement Mafwila explained although the commercial settlement was not officially recognised by government, the residents were entitled to public piped water.
He added the farm was on the list of the regional council to be supplied with water.
“It is true that those people have no water because the tank is old, and we are busy organising a tank so that those people will have access to water. We will put in our tender next week so that we drill water for them,” he said.
He said the farm has a borehole with low yield and a tank that is very old. However, he said, the matter will be prioritised so that residents can have access to safe water.
“The old tank they had is heating up, but we will try to acquire one for them as soon as possible,” he added.
– ljason@nepc.com.na