
Drought conditions persist at Uuvudhiya

Home Front Page News Drought conditions persist at Uuvudhiya

ONGWEDIVA – Despite the recent rains, drought continue to persist at Uuvudhiya where hundreds
of cattle have perished due to the dry spell, according to regional councillor Amutenya Ndahafa.

Uuvudhiya is traditionally known for its good grazing and has previously attracted a large number of farmers for grazing purposes. However, the situation has worsened owing to a dry spell over
the years. The area is also faced with a critical shortage of water, resulting in cattle trekking vast distances of even up to 30km to access water. In most cases, this has resulted in livestock deaths.

According to the councillor, the situation has deteriorated and there is now double the number
of carcasses from droughtrelated causes stretched all over the area than it was about three months ago.
“People continue to lose livestock and everywhere you travel there are livestock carcasses all over,” he said. Ndahafa said the area has received rain but it had minimal impact on the growth of the vegetation.
He said only areas west of Oponona have water in the floodplains following the recent rains.

“But we remain hopeful that with the rain received over the weekend, we would be able to see some grass
grow to remedy the current situation,” the councillor said. To mitigate the drought, the government continues to provide fodder to the most struggling communities. At the moment, 41 beneficiaries from Uuvudhiya each receive five bales of fodder when they become available.

The numb er of beneficiaries increased from 23 to 41 at the beginning of November. Ndahafa said
the bales are only given to residents of Uuvudhiya and not those who have relocated to the area in search for
grazing. The criteria is that a beneficiary should have 25 cattle and beyond.