Eking out a living by selling second-hand clothes

Home Front Page News Eking out a living by selling second-hand clothes

Josephina Mwashindange

OMUTHIYAGWIIPUNDI – The state of unemployment in Oshikoto Region is pushing some community members to grab every opportunity they get in order to make ends meet. 

One such person is Nangombe Nikanor from Onalunike village, who lost his job as a result of the industrial strike that involved fishermen at the coastal town of Walvis Bay. 

In an effort to sustain his five children, Nikanor is now making a living by selling second-hand clothes at the Onankali cuca shops, just along the B1 road. Moreover, Nikanor joined his wife in 2012, as a part-time trader, but later took over on a full-time basis after losing his job in 2015. 

“There are no jobs on the market and sitting at home idle will not help, so I am therefore just trying with the little I can to sustain my family,” Nikanor said briefly, adding he is not ashamed to venture in this trade mainly considered to be women’s business He buys his stock from as far as Zambia and Angola. 

He sells a variety of second-hand clothes from as little as N$10, citing that he cannot set a high price because the clothes are not brand new. He further added that, when he got new stock, customers flock to his home in search of better clothes before they are sold publicly.  

Nikanor advised fellow community members to engage in active activities that are adding value to their daily lives as well as to the country’s economy.

The poverty rate is estimated to stand at 42.6 percent in Oshikoto and is listed as one of the main social threats facing the region. 

It is reported that poverty exacerbates the problems of unemployment, alcohol abuse and worryingly high rate of HIV/AIDS amongst the youth. This warning is however contained in the Oshikoto Regional Council’s proposed five-year strategic plan covering the period 2018 to 2022.