
Endjala: Migrants not allowed to stay

Home National Endjala: Migrants not allowed to stay
Endjala: Migrants not allowed to stay

Omusati governor Erginus Endjala says all Angolan migrants who are returning to the region should be reported immediately, as they are no longer allowed to stay in the country. 

Migrants have been returning to the region over the past two weeks by crossing the border illegally. 

Those who returned believe that if they come to Namibia, they will be saved from drought, hunger and unemployment by receiving assistance from the Namibian government. 

Endjala said his office has received reports of migrants moving around in the region, which is a serious concern because there is no space to accommodate them. 

“If we let refugees return to the region, who is going to provide them with food and shelter, where are we getting food to cater for them? It is going to be a huge challenge if migrants return to Namibia,” he reiterated. 

Last month, close to 1 792 migrants were repatriated to Angola, including men, women and children who have been living at Etunda for 11 months. 

The Angolan government had promised to provide temporary shelter in the Cunene province until they are dispatched to their respective homes. 

Endjala stated that his office was told by the Angolan government not to allow migrants in the region because Angola is ready to provide services to its people.
