First entertainment portal live end October

Home Time Out First entertainment portal live end October


The new entertainment portal is going to go live on October 31.

Maverikz Entertainment Empire and Distinctive Art will launch Namibia’s entertainment portal called Raw Demo. Raw Demo is an online entertainment portal that is going to focus on making Namibian Entertainment and Art accessible to the world. Raw Demo strives to act as a gateway to the entertainment world for all Namibian artists, therefore it is designed as a platform through which artists can advertise their services and also acts as a booking agency for entertainers.

The platform will be open to all types of musicians, bands, dancer, comedians, poets, producers, actors and directors. The aim will be to provide clients with various services such as artists bookings; events advertising; advertisements; marketing access to networks and online album sales.

Raw Demo will be linked to websites in Southern Africa which also allows entertainers to be showcased in Southern Africa. Entertainers interested in this avenue of promotion and income generation may contact 0855 60 16 18 or 081765 48. More information on Raw Demo is available on Facebook page Raw Demo.