
Exam results out this week

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WINDHOEK – A total of 20 605 candidates, comprising of 18 649 full-time and 1 956 part-time candidates, were registered for the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate (NSSC) higher level subjects. 

The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture spokesperson Absalom Absalom said the number of higher-level candidates increased by 2 637 (12.8%) when compared to 2018. 

Absalom noted the ministry has made good progress with the marking and processing of the examination data and will be able to officially release the provisional Grade 12 NSSC results for full-time and part-time candidates, as well as Grade 10 (JSC) for part-time candidates on Thursday.

Last year, 17 968 candidates comprising of 16 932 full-time and 1 036 part-time candidates were registered for NSSC higher level subjects.

In 2018, the number of higher-level candidates increased by 1 672 (10.3%) when compared to 2017.

This year is the last year for the Junior Secondary Certificate (JSC) (Grade 10) examination on part-time level. 

This year, 9 566 part-time candidates were registered for JSC examination. The number of Grade 10 part-time candidates decreased by 1 656 (14.8%) when compared to 2018 entries for part-time candidates.

Absalom explained this means all learners who sat for Grade 10 full-time did not write national examinations as has been the norm over the past years. 

Since the beginning of this year (2019), there was no more Grade 10 external examinations, following a cabinet decision during 2014 that approved the curriculum reform for basic education. However, learners sat for semi-external examinations at the end of the junior secondary phase (in this case, at the end of Grade 9).

The semi-external examinations have been set at the national level and marked in the regions but will be moderated at national level.

During 2018, a total number of 56 112 candidates, comprising of 44 890 full-time and 11 222 part-time candidates, were registered for the Junior Secondary Certificate (Grade 10) examination at 731 junior secondary schools and 143 part-time tuition centres.

The results will be available on the ministry of education’s website, www.moe.gov.na, and will also be accessible via an SMS service. Both services will become active on Friday at 00:15.

Absalom said all candidates who were registered for the 2019 national examinations are reminded to have their candidate numbers nearby to be able to access their results. 

The ministry will ensure regional offices supply the results from the broadsheets to candidates and relatives who personally visit the regional offices.