
Farmers lose seven cattle to lightning at Otjombinde

Home Agriculture Farmers lose seven cattle to lightning at Otjombinde
Farmers lose seven cattle to lightning at Otjombinde

Zebaldt Ngaruka 


OHAMBO JATATE – Two farmers at Okauarongo village in Omaheke region’s Otjombinde constituency recently lost a total of seven cattle to lightning. Okauarongo is situated 14km south of Tallismanus.

Okauarongo resident Stanley Tjozongoro, who was at the scene and witnessed the devastating incident, confirmed to AgriToday that six of the cattle belong to the Kavitjene family, and one belongs to farmer Uaanazo Ndjarakana. 

“It was a very shocking experience. It has never happened in our settlement, and it is bad that it is happening in this very difficult period of drought when we are all trying to save our animals,” said Tjozongoro, who is the neighbour of the Kavitjene family.

A 55-year-old Nguundja Kavitjene, who suffered one of his biggest losses, told this publication that it is a very painful experience, as this is the second disaster happening to them after having lost more than 50 cattle to drought. 

“We are in a devastating situation. We do not know what to do, as I’m about to lose interest in cattle farming. Maybe it is the work of God or witchcraft; I don’t even know,” said a distraught Kavitjene, who is now thinking of turning attention to small livestock, such as goats and sheep. 

Asked what they did with the meat of dead cattle, Kavitjene said, as per tradition and customs, meat from animals killed by lightning is not consumable. 

“We burned all of them, which is in line with our customs. There were some people, especially the youth, who wanted to eat the meat, but we stopped them.”

Keri Kavitjene Kaurivi said she travelled from Rooibelt to come and comfort her parents after hearing the bad news. 

“It is painful news, but who are we to judge God? My father is someone who prays a lot, and they had prayer sessions at Tallismanus before this calamity struck here,” she said. 

Kaurivi, who works as a health assistant and is responsible for counselling at Tallismanus clinic, consoled her parents and urged them to think positively during this difficult period. 

Attempts to get hold of Ndjarakana proved futile. 

Meanwhile, constituency councillor Wenzel Kavaka said he heard about the sad news and promised to visit the affected family.

“I just heard about it, and I will have to go there and see what we can do to console the victims, as this is the second time they are losing cattle in such a big number,” explained the councillor. 

Kavaka added that he will be travelling with his team to assess the situation and give a report to the disaster management committee. 

“It is a very unfortunate incident, and we will see what the disaster management committee might assist with,” he said.