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In an effort to contribute significantly to the cultural and entertainment landscape, Feelings Nation Extravaganza Volume 6 is set to captivate audiences with a mesmerising display of music, art, innovation and culinary delights. 

Fillemon Natangwe Shuuya, also known as Feelings Nation, initiated the festival in December 2020. He said this extravaganza aims to create a platform for artists, performers, and entrepreneurs to showcase their talents, and connect with a diverse audience.

“The Feelings Nation Extravaganza Volume 6 is designed to celebrate the power of emotions, and their ability to bring people together. Our goal is to create an inclusive and engaging environment, where attendees can explore and appreciate various forms of expression.” The extravaganza, scheduled to take place at Palm Tree Park, is starting and ending off tomorrow. It promises an immersive and unforgettable experience for all attendees. The event will feature a wide variety of concerts, exhibits and interactive events, allowing artists and brands to interact directly with the public.

“We have a fantastic roster of musical performers that audiences can enjoy. Famous artists like Exit, Drawer and ML will deliver outstanding performances with their distinctive styles, leaving the audience in awe.” In addition to the captivating musical performances, the event will host an exhibition showcasing innovative brands. Well-known brands such as Betterdays, Kashipu and Legends will have the opportunity to highlight their cutting-edge goods and services, offering attendees a chance to learn more and engage with these leading brands.

Shuuya noted that the extravaganza will go beyond traditional entertainment. “Visitors will have access to interactive and interesting activities, providing them with a rich and engaging experience,” he enthused. 

These activities will offer creative outlets for participants to explore, ensuring a memorable time for everyone involved.

“The event will also feature a dedicated relaxation area, providing attendees with a space to unwind and recharge amidst the excitement. While specific attendance figures are not available at this time, previous editions of the extravaganza have drawn large crowds. The anticipation surrounding Volume 6 suggests that this year’s event will be no different, with high expectations for an enthusiastic turnout.”

Collaborations with local businesses and organisations are an integral part of the Feelings Nation Extravaganza Volume 6. 

“By partnering with local entities, we aim to showcase and support home-grown talent, products and services. These collaborations will enhance the overall experience, offering attendees a unique and authentic glimpse into the local cultural and entertainment scene,” he added. 
