
Finds the Meaning of Life Confusing

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LIFE, what is this thing called life? The very concept is difficult, if not, impossible to define.

Nobody can really give a definition or meaning to this concept, ‘Life.’

There are however stated characteristics used to go around giving a true and concrete definition to this concept, ‘Life’.

It is said that, if a thing is able to grow, reproduce, feed, move, respond to stimuli, rid itself of waste, and breathe, it is alive.

As I am typing this piece of writing, I possess all the characteristics of Life, but what is Life?

It is my belief that what it is, has to have a meaning, if not, such a thing would be meaningless.

Is Life then meaningless?

If so, then why do we value it so much? Are we being fooled by Life? What is ‘Life’?

It is stated that, ‘I am, because I am here but what is really here I ask myself.
Am I simply a different form (from other things which are also said to be alive?) of a thing that possesses all the mentioned traits required for it to be perceived as having Life? What is ‘Life’?

Can we really say that we are alive by basing this primarily on functionality as opposed to meaning, and still be satisfied with this explanation?

Everyday, we (these things came to be known as Human Beings), cross paths, socialise, laugh, sing, drink, eat, cry, etc. without really thinking about this fellow thing with whom we share similar traits, which are said to characterise Life, ignorant of the real issue.

The issue being, what is the thing that I just crossed paths with, socialised with, sang with, cried with, ate with, drank with, etc?

We simply see them as being alive (a term we are all familiar with but can’t give meaning to), and in most cases take their lives for granted.
Whatever Life is.

But why take another thing’s physical being and all the characteristics it possesses in order for it to be perceived as being alive, for granted? I ( and again, this thing) am of the opinion that this is merely due to the fact that we don’t take time to think about this concept, ‘Life.’

But what is Life? Should we just move on with our day-to-day activities and ignore the very concept which makes us who we are as functioning physical forms?

I am moving on with my Life, Life is good, Life is hard, Life is this, Life is that.
These are but some of the statements revolving around this highly questionable concept which we hear everyday.

Where one would speak of moving on with his or her Life, I, (this thing) again ask the question, how can one speak of moving on with something as meaningless as Life?

At the same time a question arises, how can one speak of Life being good if such a person (thing) is not even able to begin giving a definition to the concept?

Based on my analysis of this topic, ‘Life,’ I am (this thing is), of the opinion that, for a thing to justify making such statements or remarks, it should give a definition to a seemingly indefinable concept, ‘Life.’

But what is ‘Life’? Furthermore, I (this thing) believe(s) that we shouldn’t even be speaking of a Life/ Death dichotomy without really knowing what Life is in the first place.

Something to think about!