
Fire causes damage at Sikondo green scheme

Home National Fire causes damage at Sikondo green scheme

SIKONDO – On Saturday, workers at the Sikondo green scheme project 10 km west of Rundu in Kavango West worked feverishly, sweating it out in panic, as they struggled to extinguish the fire that almost caused major damage to the project’s facilities and crop fields.

The fire is said to have started at the section which is not being used for cultivation and with the help of the wind migrated to the section for small-scale farmers. It was on its way to the main commercial section/fields but was contained before it could spread and cause further damage.

The Rundu Town Council fire department was summoned to assist to extinguish the blaze that had spread to the surrounding dry grass crop fields of the small-scale farmers.

New Era was informed that only sprinklers, the micro-irrigation systems, were damaged by the blaze at the small-scale farmers section. This publication also tried to get more information as to how extensive the fire was but officials at the farm could not respond to questions sent via email.

Government has invested several millions of dollars in Sikondo and other green scheme projects mainly to boost food security both at household and national levels, and also to create jobs.