
FMD breaks out in Kavango West

Home Front Page News FMD breaks out in Kavango West

RUNDU – The veterinary authorities have reported a new outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) in cattle at Sivara in the Kapako constituency of Kavango West.  The directorate of veterinary services (DVS) under the ministry of agriculture announced the new outbreak yesterday. 
Sivara village is situated 50km west of Rundu. “Thirteen cattle out of 31 in the herd showed FMD clinical signs on physical examination conducted by veterinary officials,” said the chief veterinary officer, 

Dr Albertina Musilika-Shilongo, in a statement while giving an update on the FMD outbreak situation in Kavango East.
The DVS also announced that in Kavango East, there are now two FMD infected constituencies, as the FMD has now spread to Shighuru village in the Mashare constituency. 

The FMD outbreak was first detected on 28 September 2020 at Hoha village in Ndiyona.
“In line with the Animal Health Act, Act 1 of 2011, the three constituencies, namely Ndiyona, Mashare constituencies in Kavango East region and Kapako constituency in Kavango West region have been declared infected areas,” Musilika-Shilongo stated. 
“The two regions are now disease management areas and FMD control measures are instituted.” The DVS have restricted movement of all live cloven-hoofed animals into, out and within the disease management areas. All previously issued movement permits are hereby cancelled and recalled. Movement of potentially infectious commodities out and within the two regions such as raw meat, milk, hides, skins, game trophies, grass and plant materials are also not permitted.

“A number of roadblocks have been set up at strategic points and patrol teams are deployed around and within the two regions to enforce movement restriction,” she said.
Emergency vaccination to cover all cattle in the two Kavango regions against FMD is ongoing and all farmers are strongly advised to take their cattle for vaccination at designated crush pens. “FMD surveillance aimed at establishing the extent of the outbreak in all northern regions has been intensified and farmers are requested to bring their animals for inspection whenever announced by veterinary officials,” she said. However, movement of live cloven-hoofed animals from the FMD free and protection zones into the two Kavango regions is allowed for animals aimed for direct slaughter, provided the animals are slaughtered within 72 hours upon arrival and under the supervision of veterinary officials.

Slaughtering of cloven-hoofed animals within one community or village for consumption and social events such as weddings, funerals and others may be allowed in the two Kavango regions.
However, the meat should not be transported outside the infected areas.
Raw meat and other animal products from the FMD free and protection zones, as well as from an export abattoir in the Zambezi region into the two Kavango regions are also permitted.  In-transit of live cloven-hoofed animals and their products through the two Kavango regions is allowed.

“All vehicles transporting live cloven-hoofed animals into or in-transit through the two Kavango regions should be sealed under official veterinary supervision; the offloading of these animals should also be done under official veterinary supervision,” she noted.
Farmers and the general community are once again requested to report any animals showing FMD signs, such as limping and excessive salivation to the nearest veterinary offices.  The DVS has appealed to all stakeholders for support in fighting the FMD outbreak.  “We also thank the farmers and the general public for their cooperation during this outbreak situation,” she said.

In Kavango East, the DVS has embarked on a vaccination programme in all constituencies and farms, which started on 17 October and it was anticipated to end during the first week of November, but it will now be extended to Kavango West. – jmuyamba@nepc.com.na