Great teamwork was key to success, says Jacobs

Home Sports Great teamwork was key to success, says Jacobs

Katutura glamour football club African Stars rewrote the history books by setting a new points tally in the MTC Premiership, tumbling Black Africa’s record registered in the 2010/11 season.
The Reds won the coveted league title with still a match to spare and currently sit on an incredible tally of 65-points – nine points better than BA’s 56-point tally and could stretch that lead with victory against Tura Magic in their remaining league assignment this weekend. Stars’ youthful mentor Woody Jacobs attributes his team’s overall success to the players’ commitment, dedication, discipline and the will to win matches against all odds.

“This season was a new ball game all together with the bloated 16-team league, and we had to adjust and rotate players as matches were coming in thick and fast.

“We assembled a very good and well balanced squad and were covered in all positions to stage a serious challenge for the elusive league title,” confesses Jacobs.

He says the depth in the squad played a significant role in maintaining consistency and adds that he was spoilt for choice when it came down to team selection. “It all boils down to teamwork but the depth in the squad was a key factor for our performance this season.” To sum up his confidence, stalwarts such as Boetietjie Seibeb, Jamu Ngatjizeko, Milton Chapo, McBride Ndjavera and Ninja Karongee barely featured.

The outspoken Jacobs admitted that the on-and-off frosty relations between the club’s former chairman Sidney Martin and Club 500 has in a way affected the players’ morale but they still managed to weather the storm.

Jacobs arrived at Stars amidst much fanfare at the beginning of the 2013/2014 season. He retained the lucrative Bidvest Cup in only his first season with the Reds and finished runner-up behind BA in the league. Previously, Jacobs was regarded as a journeyman who was only seen fit to save struggling clubs from relegation.

In their march to the coveted league title, Stars proved to be the most consistent team and have only lost four times this term against Rebels, Tigers, FNB Orlando Pirates and Mighty Gunners.