
Itula will redirect presidential salary 

Home National Itula will redirect presidential salary 
Itula will redirect presidential salary 

WALVIS BAY – Independent Patriots for Change’s Erongo leadership says there is no way Namibians can allow old people who have benefitted enough for the past 30 years to rule the country again.

According to them, the socio-economic status of the country alone shows one cannot rely on history to save the county’s future, and that Namibia needs a complete change in leadership. The IPC leadership was addressing party members and the media at a press conference in Walvis Bay on Wednesday to address the situation fishermen find themselves in, party progress, the political and social impact within the region as well as to rally support for their leader, Panduleni Itula.

Speaking on behalf of the Erongo leadership, director of operations Aloysius Kangulu said Itula is prepared to serve the country without a salary, as he, once taking office, will divert his salary to improve healthcare, education and improve the lives of ordinary Namibians. 

Therefore, he said, Namibians need to consider Itula as the country’s fourth president.

“We are challenging the candidates from all the other political parties – even those 70-year-olds who have been in position of power since independence and still want to become the president. Please pronounce yourself if you truly want to serve the county or to collect fat salaries,” he said.

 Kangulu added a huge task lies ahead for the incoming president, considering the high unemployment rate, retrenchments and poverty anticipated for 2023 due to the recession.

 According to him, addressing poverty is not a task for endowment but it needs collective efforts – just as the forefathers exerted themselves to liberate the country.  “We must genuinely rededicate ourselves and transform our country both socially and politically as desired by our people,” he said.

Political parties are currently readying themselves to take part in the presidential election, slated for 2024. The governing party, Swapo, will also host its congress next month to elect a new party leadership – but most importantly, it will nominate the Swapo candidate for the country’s presidential election in 2024 to succeed President Hage Geingob.

Incumbent vice president Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah will defend her portfolio against Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and environment minister Pohamba Shifeta.

Party secretary general (SG) Sophia Shaningwa faces Oshikoto Swapo coordinator Armas Amukwiyu for the SG position. Former cabinet minister Uahekua Herunga, parliamentarians Lucia Witbooi and Evelyn !Nawases-Taeyele as well as Kavango West party coordinator David Hamutenya contest the deputy SG position.