Kellerman ICT Solutions leads dialogue on 4iR

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Kellerman ICT Solutions leads dialogue on 4iR

The Fourth Industrial Revolution has the potential to raise global income levels and improve the quality of life for everyone around the world. It will also lead to a supply-side miracle, with long-term gains in efficiency and productivity. 

This is according to the managing director of Kellerman ICT Solutions, Deon Kellerman, who shared these sentiments at the Invest Southern Africa Conference in Johannesburg which focussed on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4iR). At the conference’s panel discussion Kellerman was joined by other industry leaders like Lwazi Tshabalala (Ulwembu Business Services) and Welile Mbolekwa (Isao Management Services) who agreed with the 4iR statements. 

At the said conference, Kellerman focused on the ever-rapid increase of online presence stating that more than 30% of the global population now uses social media platforms to connect, learn, and share information. In an ideal world, he said, these interactions would provide an opportunity for cross-cultural understanding and cohesion. 

“There is clear evidence that the technologies that underpin the Fourth Industrial Revolution are having a major impact on businesses. On the supply side, many industries are seeing the introduction of new technologies that create entirely new ways of serving existing needs and significantly disrupt existing industry value chains. 

Disruption is also flowing from agile, innovative competitors who, thanks to access to global digital platforms for research, development, marketing, sales, and distribution, can oust well-established incumbents faster than ever by improving the quality, speed, or price at which value is delivered,” Kellerman noted. 

Apart from being vocal towards the ever-changing revolution of technology, Kellerman ICT embraces the challenges that come with it by partnering with SYNAQ, which is a managed services house of professional ICT consultants, to help fill gaps in cybersecurity on the African

From sharing insightful recommendations across Africa, Kellerman continues to stress the importance of embracing technology and preparing for the challenges in advance. 

“Covid highlighted the importance for large and small corporates to have a holistic approach to cyber security. Kellerman ICT sees SYNAQ as a credible partner with which they can service the Western Cape and Windhoek markets via SYNAQ products. SYNAQ provides a different perspective on how cyber security and specifically email security should be handled,” he said.