Khomas injects N$20m into SMEs

Home National Khomas injects N$20m into SMEs
Khomas injects  N$20m into SMEs

Lahja Nashuuta


The Khomas Region Council injected close to N$20 million towards empowering the small and medium enterprises since the commencement of the council’s income generating activity programme.

Since the introduction of the scheme in 2004, 1 542 SME projects have benefited.

The income generating activity (IGA) programme is an SME support programme, being implemented by the Khomas Regional Council and assisting SMEs with equipment and materials to accelerate their growth.

According to Khomas governor Laura McLeod-Katjirua, the programme targets small scale businesses that could not access funding due to lack of collateral as required by many financial institutions.

On Thursday, the Khomas Regional Council handed over equipment to aspiring entrepreneurs in the region. Speaking at the handing over ceremony, McLeod-Katjirua confirmed that during this financial year, six projects were assisted with materials to the combined value of N$250 000.

She indicated that the types of projects that benefited yesterday range from needlework, catering, beautifications, and health massages respectively. The lowest funded project received materials valued at N$30 000, while the highest funded received materials valued at N$48 000. “The aim of the programme is to create much needed employment by providing equipment, tools and materials to existing businesses or feasible business ideas on a grant basis. The programme also helps new project initiatives get started and ensures that the funded projects increase their profits,” McLeod-Katjirua said.

The handing over of equipment ceremony was attended by Vice President Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah.

“Let us work hand in hand, utilising these materials to their fullest potential, turning business dreams into reality and aspirations into achievements. In the same vein, I would like to encourage the beneficiaries to put the materials to good use and realise their business potential,” Nandi-Ndaitwah said.

Meanwhile, the chairperson of the Khomas Regional Council, Shaalukeni John Moonde noted that implementing a programme comes with challenges such as the movement of beneficiaries from Khomas to other regions as well as the selling of equipment and materials by some beneficiaries. Moonde said the council will conduct an assessment to determine the impact. The assessment will be carried out in the 2024/25 Financial Year.