Local musos jazzed it up

Home National Local musos jazzed it up

 Onesmus Embula
Performing his much celebrate rumba-feel song, Butterflies, with his band, Elemotho brought a message of healing and growth, dedicated to those suffering in one way or the other so that through the song they can heal and move on. 

 With most of his lyrics in Setswana punctuated with English and smoothened by guitar and piano melodies, he also captured new fans with the song, Enya, translating into “share” which is about togetherness and overcoming daily struggles. He performed it with the back-up voices of African Vocals, an acapella group from Swakopmund.   

 “I have enjoyed myself, the feedback was amazing, this is my second time in four years and I brought my brothers from Swakopmund and I am glad about the experience we all shared here tonight”, says Elemotho but calling on the organisers to prioritise local artists at events such as this one, the Windhoek Jazz Festival. “I would say things can be done better in terms of artists to be taken seriously, local musicians should be top notch with wonderful treatment backstage and upon arrival”, adds Elemotho. He further advises for the promotion of the festival for more attendance. “We do not want to see the Jazz Festival losing clientele each year, things should be getting better not worse”, he adds.

Suzy Eises was also well received with most of her fans cheering and snapping with their phones when she performed a cover song of Drake – In My Feelings. “Last year I did not have a trumpeter and tenor saxophone player so it was fun for me this year playing melodies and having the audience sing back to me,” said an excited Eises. 

Furthermore, she also took chance to announce her three-year break from the music scene. “I am going to study music in Gabon on a three year degree programme, so I will be focused on my studies and be absent from the limelight for a while”, said Suzy Eises. Although she will not be releasing an album in a long time, she will grasp gigs and invites to perform while studying.

Liz Ehlers, gracing the Jazz stage for the fifth time, was delighted to have the audience grooving to her tunes throughout her performance. In fact, she got the local jazz lovers dancing and whistling along when she performed her song Fantastic Sam, whose lyrics urge all Namibian men to represent better characters in society.

Other local jazz enthusiast to also share the stage where Afro jazz artist Damas Fusion, Sigera Jazz Band, Percival Anthony Rinquest as well as singer and former member of  Mascato Coastal Youth Choir Sedney Haufiku. Uejaa Kazondunge and Adriano Visagie were masters of ceremonies. Music lovers who attended the event described it as fabulous with little to no hiccups.