
LPM slaps back at Venaani

Home National LPM slaps back at Venaani

The Landless People’s Movement (LPM) has slammed the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) president McHenry Venaani over his recent comments in which he warned against “new political messiahs”. 
LPM deputy spokesperson Joyce Muzengua said Venaani’s comments portrayed a lack of leadership on his part. 
Venaani addressing the media last week warned electorates to be cautious of “political actors” whom he said are coming on the scene as “new messiahs”.  
The leader of the official opposition added that in most cases these were Swapo defectors forming new parties out of anger, stating they would eventually return to the ruling party. 

But, Muzengua on Sunday did not take this lightly, saying PDM has explicitly portrayed lack of leadership and the Namibian nation has now grasped this truth. 
“The ideologically perplexed movement has not once issued a document containing amicable solutions for the issues that the country faces, instead it dwells on political rhetoric and renders no substance whatsoever,” she said in a statement. 
She added the party has also failed in Kunene region where its governance has been tested over the years.  
“The seats attained from Dr Itula’s independent candidacy transmuted the movement into a presumptuous party that has become even more useless,” she added. 
“The former DTA has always been replicating LPM’s initiatives but failing in implementation. The need to decampaign LPM, a party with just four seats in parliament exposes PDM’s cowardice.” 

She said LPM was formed to restore the dignity of the Namibian people that was stripped from them for decades. 
“The movement initially gained tremendous membership in the southern parts of Namibia because of the exceptional developments that were brought to the region by its current leader and chief change campaigner Bernadus Swartbooi,” she said. 

According to her, LPM has now gained momentum throughout the country and has members from all ethnic groups. 
“The party launched a blueprint earlier this year titled ‘Beyond Covid-19’ that entails pragmatic solutions for the country amidst the deadly pandemic,” she stressed. 
Muzengua says the campaign fever is slowly gripping the nation as the country approaches the November elections and propaganda seems to be the only tool for certain opposition parties. 
– ktjitemisa@nepc.com.na