
Mboma will stay, Masilingi not – Botha… ‘dubious’ SA agent blamed

Home National Mboma will stay, Masilingi not – Botha… ‘dubious’ SA agent blamed
Mboma will stay, Masilingi not – Botha… ‘dubious’ SA agent blamed

Namibia’s renowned athletics coach Henk Botha has said he wholeheartedly welcomes Christine Mboma’s decision to remain under his stewardship, but made it clear that he will not stand in the way of Beatrice Masilingi, who has expressed desire to work under a new coach.

In a media statement issued on Monday, South African-based Newton Sport Agency, which is responsible for managing Mboma and Masilingi, announced that the two athletes had taken a decision to part ways with Botha and will now be training under South African coach Hennie Kriel.

But in response, Botha issued a statement late Monday night, clarifying that Newton Sport Agency’s claims came as a surprise to all. He said a disappointed Mboma called him, saying the agency did not consult her, and used her image on their social media statement without her approval. 

Botha further shared that Mboma, who at the Tokyo Olympics became the first woman to win a medal for Namibia at the games with her silver in the 200m, has since returned home from South Africa, and has indicated that she will continue training and participating under him. 

As for Masilingi, Botha said she expressed her desire of wanting to train and compete under coach Kriel as per the plans of Newton Sport Agency and their agent Bradley Agnew.

Agnew is the agent of both Mboma and Masilingi, who Botha has accused of wanting to exploit the two young sprinters. Botha said he had a fallout with Agnew after he questioned the South African agent over suspected suspicious financial transactions from the two runners’ finances. 

“At the end of last season, I realised that certain things were not in line with the two athletes’ agent. I started putting pressure on him regarding certain issues in respect of my athletes’ money. Agnew, the agent, has been trying to get rid of me because I was in his way to misuse the athletes. After both girls were injured, he said to me that he thinks it would be better if they did their rehabilitation in Pretoria, but little did I realise that he had false intentions by keeping our girls in Pretoria,” said a dismayed Botha. 

“About three weeks ago, Beatrice called to inform me that she wanted to stay in Pretoria after recovery to train there. She informed me that she struggled training with Christine. I want to make sure that she is in a good space and taken care of. This being said, I love her a lot and do understand that she is in a difficult place. I know she needs support and guidance, but unfortunately, the agent is exploiting her current dilemma. 

“Certain questionable conducts by the agent are in the process of being reported to World Athletics and the Namibian National Olympic Committee. I will always be there for her; she is my daughter and that will never change. She still has a contract with me until the end of the year, but I will never use that (contract) to force her to train with me…I can’t allow her to be misused and thrown away. Upon my return (from Mauritius), Beatrice and I have agreed to return to Windhoek together to discuss her future plans. If she decides to train with another coach, I will always support her,” added Botha.

On Mboma, the award-winning coach said she has never indicated any intentions of wanting to work with the new coach, and she has since expressed her disappointment with the conduct of Agnew and Newton Sport Agency.

“Christine had never indicated that she wanted to join a different coach. She is not happy about the press release by Newton Sport Agency, and will decide what her next steps will be. She returned to Namibia and we will find a new medical team that can help her to finalise the rehabilitation of her injury. The false statements by the agent reveals his lack of integrity and dishonesty. My loyalty and dedication to these two athletes is unquestionable.”

– ohembapu@nepc.com.na