
MCA-N donates more books

Home Education MCA-N donates more books

WINDHOEK – The Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Namibia yesterday donated the last consignment of 1.7 million textbooks to the Ministry of Education worth N$71 million that will be distributed to 2 899 schools.

The Ministry of Education with support from MCA-Namibia, procured textbooks worth about N$1.6 billion in core subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science for primary and secondary schools. The acquisition of textbooks has been divided in three phases. The first phase was implemented from March 05, 2010, where 695 164 textbooks, learning and support materials were procured and delivered to 1 195 schools and 97 educational institutions across the country. The second phase of textbooks acquisition was implemented during the textbook policy reform process and started 2012, with delivery taking place in February/March 2013. The third and last phase of delivery is the one received yesterday that includes 1 702,627 textbooks valued at N$71 million and which will be distributed to 2 899 schools.

Receiving the consignment, the Minister of Education, Dr David Namwandi said the acquisition of textbooks, learning and support materials has progressively complemented the ministry’s efforts to procure textbooks. “As we know, knowledge empowers, hence textbooks can empower our learners and teachers.

The Ministry of Education is fully committed to achieving a 1:1 textbook: learner ratio. Textbooks in the hand of each learner will always make a difference through independent reading opportunities and access to information,” said Namwandi. Currently the average ratio for the use of textbooks at primary schools is one textbook per three learners (1:3) and at secondary school level the ratio is one textbook per two learners (1:2). The education minister applauded the support from MCA-Namibia. He said without the generous gesture, educational success would not be possible. “Thank you, Thank you, MCC and MCA-Namibia,” Namwandi said. He also called on principals, teachers and learners to ensure that the textbooks received are used optimally to achieve good results. “These textbooks should be well cared for and reach their lifespan as prescribed by the textbook policy. This massive investment made by MCC and MCA-Namibia should be treasured,” he said.

The  minister requested that the supply chain should speed up the process of delivering textbooks to schools, adding that all deliveries should be completed not later than February, since the school year has already started. “It is imperative that we meet the deadline so that learners have the best possible opportunities to learn, study and progress. This call is also extended to the service providers who have obtained tenders to distribute the textbooks from the publishers and warehouses to schools before the due date. Please do not fail to deliver and honour your undertakings.” Since the provision of textbooks is a continuous and annual process, Namwandi called on schools to provide swift and correct feedback to the education inspectors regarding the textbook orders delivered or outstanding. This, he said is extremely important to avoid double ordering of textbooks. “I appeal to school principals to urgently pay serious attention to textbook management. It is of utmost importance that all role-players in the textbook supply chain, from teachers to regional education directors, ensure they perform their specific duties on time and rigorously follow-up on the process,” he noted. Namwandi extended sincere thanks to MCA-Namibia for providing expert technical assistance to help the ministry to develop local expertise on textbook management, utilisation and textbook data systems management. “It is our fanatical wish that all these books will make the desired difference in the lives of our learners and teachers.

I, therefore, direct that these books must be utilised to their fullest potential to improve the learning outcomes. We treasure and deeply appreciate all contributions made by our stakeholders and count on your continuing support to ensure Quality Education for All.

I once again would like to acknowledge and express our profound gratitude to MCA-Namibia and MCC and all other stakeholders for their continuous support in education,” Namwandi said. The MCA-N is expected to finalise its programmes in September this year.


By Albertina Nakale