
MPs question benefits from foreign ties

Home National MPs question benefits from foreign ties


Swapo Party secretary general Nangolo Mbumba feels Namibia’s international allies are not helping the country much in its quest to become an advanced nation.

“We need real technology, we cannot continue buying Mercedes Benz from Germany yet we do not even know how it is assembled. We have so many graduates, we have to move into a phase of real technology because technology creates jobs and wealth,” he said.
Mbumba told New Era last Thursday that Namibia needs genuine industrialisation and high level training for it to grow more.

Although he lauded the assistance in sectors such as education and health, Mbumba said it is high time Namibia’s “international friends” put up reputable universities and research institutions in the country.

“We have a lot of friends, but I think they are underestimating us by just assisting us in areas such as primary health and education. It is good that they help us with the basics but we need to move ahead,” said Mbumba when making his contribution to the debate on the budget vote of the Ministry of International Relations and Cooperation in the National Assembly last week.

“If they consider our relationship as important, they must help us to become an advanced nation by bringing research institutions to our country because the future belongs to those who know science,” said the veteran politician.

“At independence we were a low-income country but today we are an upper-middle income country. That in itself is progress in terms of the economy. We need to start making progress at a scientific level, the level of industrialisation,” said Mbumba.

DTA of Namibia president McHenry Venaani wanted to know whether audits are done to determine the value of the country’s properties abroad such as chanceries, high commissions and embassies.

Venaani also wanted to know how government keeps track and monitors international agreements signed between Namibia and other countries.

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah said the foreign ministry has established a division responsible to oversee the implementation of agreements signed between Namibia and other countries. Land Reform Deputy Minister Bernadus Swartbooi wanted an update from Nandi-Ndaitwah regarding the Orange River border issue between Namibia and South Africa.

Nandi-Ndaitwah responded: “The issue is on the table of the two governments.”
Swartbooi also took on so-called investors who come into the country under the pretext of doing business but end up disappearing.

“Some people come here saying they are genuine investors, get land and then run away. We need to monitor all these things,” said Swartbooi.