
Mumbala urges women to participate in their upliftment

Home National Mumbala urges women to participate in their upliftment
Mumbala urges women to participate in their upliftment

KEETMANSHOOP – Swapo’s //Kharas coordinator Matheus Mumbala said the roles women played to ensure the country gain independence will be engraved in the nation’s memories forever.

This was his stance when addressing Swapo Party Women’s Council leaders from the //Kharas and Hardap regions, who recently had an orientation workshop in Keetmanshoop. 

“We all know the importance of women in our societies, especially in Swapo,” the politician said. Mumbala also reiterated the fact that the party is now heading towards electing the first female ‘commander in chief’ through Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, who currently serves as Swapo vice president.

“We acknowledged your theme, namely ‘Service Through Self-Revival’ and as a call to action for women to actively participate in regional and national growth to strengthen our communities,” the regional coordinator said. 

He added that through embracing their inner strength and focusing on how to bring hope and resilience progressively, women can bring about the most desired economic empowerment for sustainable future.  

He also noted that, seen in the light that Swapo lost the recent Keetmanshoop Rural by-election, it is now more than ever important that women’s leadership and teaching to their families about the norms and importance on maintaining and keeping traditions of the party’s revolution be implemented. 

Mumbala also reminded all Swapo supporters to reinstitute their values of solidarity, freedom and justice as they fight to combat antisocial practices and behaviour such as crime, substance abuse and gender-based violence. 

“These can only be achieved through engaging our traditional leaders for advice, spiritual leaders for our morality and academic leaders to inform us about what is happening worldwide,” he emphasised. 

The party leader called on the mothers present and parents at large to let a child born as a girl remain as such and those born as boys to remain boys for the rest of their lives, for if not, according to him cultures and traditions will be destroyed which can lead to society losing its identity.

– sklukowski@nepc.com.na