Namibia opens visa-processing office in Lagos

Home National Namibia opens visa-processing office in Lagos

WINDHOEK – The Namibian High Commission in Nigeria has resolved to open a Namibian Visa Processing desk in Lagos. The initiative is being implemented in partnership with Air Namibia as over 60 percent of travellers to Namibia reside in Lagos and surrounding states.

The anticipated launch of Air Namibia’s direct passenger and cargo flight service between Windhoek and Lagos on June 29, 2019, is expected to provide a quantum leap bilateral trade between the two countries. 

By opening the visa office, the Namibian government is seeking to attract foreign investors to participate in public private partnerships (PPPs), particularly in the health, transportation and housing sectors. 

According to the High Commissioner Designate of Namibia to Nigeria, Humphrey Geiseb, discerning Nigerians who love to relax and those willing to invest can take advantage of the many tourist attractions and investment opportunities that abound across Namibia. 

“Our decision therefore to open a visa processing centre in Lagos in partnership with Air Namibia, is a strategic move aimed at easing the burden of having to travel to Abuja before getting a visa, thereby further boosting diplomatic ties and trade between Nigeria and Namibia and offering choices and easy access to our highly esteemed visitors and would-be investors,” Geiseb stated.

In addition, the High Commissioner noted that in an effort to maintain the highest standards of professionalism and protect the integrity of the High Commission, a team of highly professional staff have been trained extensively and charged with the responsibility of offering the same level of visa processing services as done at the Embassy in Abuja, while also doing its level best to ensure that visas are processed within a reasonable time frame. 

The Namibian Visa Processing office is located at the GHI House, in 45 Oduduwa Way, GRA Ikeja Lagos. Operations for submissions and pickup are between the hours of 8am and 4pm daily on weekdays except during public holidays and weekends.