
Namibia prioritises tourist safety

Home National Namibia prioritises tourist safety

Isai Sipunga


As Namibia’s tourism sector recovers after the devastating effects of Covid-19, safety minister Albert Kawana has sounded a call for heightened vigilance in safeguarding tourists locally. 

In a recent statement, Kawana expressed concern over the safety of visitors, signalling a pressing need for concerted action to avert potential setbacks to Namibia’s resurgent tourism industry.

“Regrettably, incidents of tourist robbery continue to punctuate our landscape. Such occurrences are deeply distressing,” he lamented. 

In response, the minister issued a directive to police chief Joseph Shikongo to forge a partnership with the tourism sector, underscoring the importance of upholding peace and security in Namibia.

Emphasising the global ramifications of any perceived insecurity among tourists, Kawana warned of the far-reaching consequences that could tarnish Namibia’s image as a safe destination for travellers. 

Kawana implored the tourism sector to work with the Namibian Police for enhanced surveillance, particularly at campsites. 

“Your cooperation is paramount,” he urged, before calling on industry stakeholders to proactively engage with law-enforcement authorities to bolster security.

In response to Kawana’s rallying cry, Namibian Police Deputy Inspector General for Administration, Anna-Marie Nainda outlined a multi-faceted approach to protect tourists. 

She said police deployed dedicated tourist protection units across key regions, tasked with swiftly addressing incidents affecting visitors. Furthermore, Nainda unveiled ambitious recruitment drives aimed at bolstering police manpower nationwide, alongside rigorous training programmes tailored to equip officers with the skills requisite for ensuring tourist safety.

With Namibia’s recent rollout of visa on arrival facilities for global visitors, the country braces for an anticipated surge in tourist arrivals, signalling both opportunities and challenges on the horizon. 

Reacting to Kawana’s call, the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) said they prioritise the safety and security of tourists, as reflected in their new integrated strategic business plan.

“Ensuring the wellbeing of tourists is a fundamental part of our core values and objectives. We aim to provide a secure and pleasant experience for visitors to Namibia,” the statement read.

To achieve this goal, the NTB has implemented various measures to safeguard tourists during their stay in the country. These measures include collaboration with relevant authorities. 

For instance, the NTB collaborates closely with the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, as well as local law-enforcement agencies to ensure the safety of tourists. 

The NTB also plans to conduct regular public awareness campaigns to educate tourists on safety measures they can take while in Namibia. This, they said, includes providing tips on how to avoid becoming a target for criminal activities, and guidance on what to do in case of an emergency.

More so, on the accreditation of tour operators and accommodation establishments, the NTB vowed to ensure that they adhere to specific safety standards and guidelines to minimise the risk of tourists falling victim to scams or unsafe practices.

“The NTB is dedicated to ensuring that tourists have a secure and enjoyable experience in Namibia,” read the statement.
