
!Nara school learners ‘eating from the ground’

Home National !Nara school learners ‘eating from the ground’

WALVIS BAY – Learners from !Nara Primary School at Walvis Bay literally sit on the ground to have their meals during break time, as the school has no proper shelter for such indulgence.

The school is now seeking assistance that would allow its learners to conduct its school feeding programme from a decent room.  

Those benefiting from the soup kitchen also have to sit on the ground.  Although performing well, the school’s netball team practices most of the time in the sand, as they do not have a netball court or any other sport facilities. The school have 450 registered orphans and vulnerable children, but feeds about 600 learners every day through assistance of various donors.

Veneza Memory Rheeder, a teacher at the school said that they earlier raised N$9000 through the activities and bought cement, paint, bricks and basic building materials to build a seating area for the learners.
She added that they are also looking for items such as tyres and basic building materials that can be transformed into seats and tables for the children.

“It is heart-breaking to see our kids sitting in the sand and eat lunch or study for a test during lunch breaks.  It is really uncomfortable and unhygienic. Hence the school started a fundraising initiative last month already to raise funds that will allow the school to provide a better learning and recreational environment for the learners,” she explained.

Rheeder said they already acquired old tyres from Dunlop and other materials from Benguela Fishing.
“We are excited with our progress so far but will need the support of the whole Walvis Bay community to transform our school premises into a learner friendly zone,” she said.

Rheeder also explained that Namport built a playground but due to the remoteness of the school, it was an easy target for vandals to such an extent that they had to dissemble it.

As part of the fundraising initiative, the school will also host its first ever Miss !Nara Primary beauty pageant slated on Friday at the Kuisebmond Community Hall. Guest performers include Kalux as well as Hip-Hop artist D-Jay.