
National power outage message a hoax

Home National National power outage message a hoax

Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – The national power utility, NamPower, has debunked a message circulating on social media, claiming that the entire country will be without electricity from 06h00 to 12h00 today, as a hoax.

“NamPower would hereby like to inform its customers and the Namibian nation at large that the message was not issued by the utility, and that it is a hoax. NamPower would like to assure the nation that there will be no power outage as alleged in the message. The nation should be informed that all written communication from NamPower is always on the company’s official letterhead and contains contact details of the Corporate Communication Department,” said Tangeni Kambangula, NamPower’s Manager for Corporate Communications and Marketing. The utility recently announced that it will spend over N$7 billion during the next five to seven years, on the implementation of its Transmission Infrastructure Expansion Programme.

The programme is part of NamPower’s Transmission Master Plan, which is aimed at planning for the future of the national electrical transmission system. The Transmission Master Plan is an operational strategy for the continuous maintenance and upgrade of NamPower’s transmission infrastructure.

“NamPower continues to maintain and upgrade its transmission infrastructure, while expanding it to accommodate the growing electricity demand and generation integration in the country,” reads a statement from the utility.