
Never rush success, gain knowledge first – Angula

Home Youth Corner Never rush success, gain knowledge first – Angula

Paheja Siririka

WINDHOEK – Mobile Telecommunication Limited’s recently appointed Chief Commercial Officer Melvin Hosea Angula advised the youth and Namibians in general to never rush for success, urging them to rather obtain as much knowledge as possible first.

From a bursary student to Chief Commercial Officer (COO), Angula said the secret recipe is to never be afraid of imperfections. “Having the drive to make decisions fearlessly, and being clear and thorough with my intentions in life is what led me here. Fear of failure and merely believing that my mother did not sacrifice so much for me to end up an underachiever are among the factors that directed me to the position I am today,” expressed Angula.

The 36-year old, who has a background in the Information Technology (IT) and telecommunications sector, conceded his latest appointment was chastening; it is a humbling and exciting opportunity for him.
He further encouraged fellow peers not to live by defaults. “Do not let circumstances or other people carve your path; learn to pay attention, and then you will know about other options in life,” he advised. Angula took the opportunity to enlighten youth about spending habits. “Avoid debt and spend on an experience instead of luxuries; cars, clothes and houses will come in your 30s,” opined Angula.

Angula expressed as the country is going through tough economic times, it will be both challenging and exciting to assist the organisation in maintaining the continued success it is known for. All he can do is look forward to helping the organisation transition into a fully-digital service provider.

He further urged people not to be self-centred. “You are not the centre of the universe; work more on connecting with people and society. The people whom you leave a positive impact will be the ones to soon escalate your path to success,” he said.

On whether this appointment has always been his dream job, Angula expressed that the set-up of the job is the one he has been looking for. “I have always loved being part of a team that has the strategic mandate to plan, lead and control an organisation. MTC, being the number one technology company in this country – not only allows me to contribute to its strategic implementations, but it is also an entity of vast amount of growth and knowledge that any employee will be lucky to be associated with such a brand,” exclaimed Angula.
His role in this position entails primarily ensuring the integrated commercial success of MTC. “The role will require a combination of strong technical solution selling skills, with strong marketing and business development skills that will bring innovative ICT services in Namibia,” he explicated.

He additionally said the drive for MTC is customer-centricity and ensuring the customer and the customer interface with the company’s product and service offers are aligned to meet its strategic commercial objectives.