
Newborn survives pit latrine

Home National Newborn survives pit latrine
Newborn survives pit latrine

John Muyamba

RUNDU – The Namibian Police at Rundu have arrested a 22-year-old woman who allegedly gave birth on her own, and dumped her newborn in a pit latrine on Monday.

A case of child abandonment was opened against the suspect at the Rundu police station on the same day. “The baby was discovered by a member of the community who wanted to use the toilet and alerted the police, who then rescued the baby,” said acting police regional commander Eino Nambahu, who confirmed the case to New Era. 

The newborn baby girl is alive, and has been admitted at the Rundu Intermediate Hospital for medical attention. Her condition is reported to be stable.

The suspect, whose identity is known but cannot be revealed before appearing in court, is a resident of the Sikanduko informal settlement. She was arrested on Tuesday, and will appear in the Rundu Magistrate’s Court today. 

“The mother was taken to hospital for medical examination, and she also admitted that it was indeed her baby. She is now in the police holding cells, while her baby is still in hospital,” Nambahu added.

– jmuyamba@nepc.com.na