
Opinion – #BeFree Youth Campus – Shining example of youth upskilling

Home Opinions Opinion – #BeFree Youth Campus – Shining example of youth upskilling
Opinion –  #BeFree Youth Campus – Shining example of youth upskilling

David Junias

In the fast-paced world of today, where gadgets and Wi-Fi routers are everywhere and robots seem to be getting smarter by the minute, being a highly-skilled youth is like having a superpower. 

But here’s the shocking part: more than half of the world’s young people are missing out on employable skills or entrepreneurial skills to venture into business enterprises for themselves. 

Can you believe that there is a shortage of skills among youth in Namibia? According to the National Planning Commission, the youth unemployment rate in Namibia stands at a staggering 43.3%. This high unemployment rate is attributed to the lack of entrepreneurial skills to create employment opportunities for the youth in Namibia. 

That’s where the #BeFree Youth Campus swoops in like a caped superhero to save the day by upskilling young Namibians, with its hubs opening doors on 01 September 2023 in the heart of Katutura township in Windhoek.

The #BeFree Youth Campus will be the avenger of skills development, blending the forces of digital know-how, and a whole array of super talents. But wait, there’s even more to this youth upskilling. The youth campus will not just chase after the city youngsters but will unearth talent from all corners of Namibia. Rural areas will be part of the initiative via online upskilling.

Upskilling centres, such as the #BeFree Youth Campus, are similar to other upskilling centres that offer life-changing skills to their communities. 

Take Mekondjo, for example, a bright and ambitious young soul hailing from a little town in Namibia. In his hometown, opportunities were as rare as finding a unicorn. 

There were no fancy upskilling centres or digital workshops to sharpen his skills. But guess what? There was an upskilling centre that provided a plethora of upskilling training and simulations, and this centre came to Mekondjo’s rescue in his quest for upskilling.

Mekondjo joined their innovative programmes and discovered his true passion for digital wizardry. With their guidance, he mastered the magic of coding, web design, and other tech wonders. It was like he was handed a magic wand that opened doors to thrilling career prospects. Armed with his newfound skills, he soared into the job market and landed his dream job at a tech company that was over the moon to have him on board.

But, after all, the world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. On the flip side, there are many young souls like Mekondjo, struggling in areas without upskilling centres. It’s like they’re stuck in a game with no power-ups or cheat codes. These talented individuals are bursting with potential, but without proper guidance and skill-building opportunities, their talents remain untapped, and it’s just heartbreaking to witness.

That’s where upskilling centres, such as the #BeFree Youth Campus, step in like the superheroes they are. By providing access to top-notch skills development, they are breaking the chains of unemployment and giving wings to young dreams. It’s as if they’re sowing seeds of innovation and cultivating a garden of future leaders all across the nation.

Namibia’s youth will no longer merely dream of the stars; they’re reaching for them with unyielding determination when upskilling centres are in their towns. 

With their digital prowess soaring high, they’re ready to conquer the world and leave their mark on the ever-changing landscape of the 21st century.

Thanks to upskilling centres such as the #BeFree Youth Campus, which crafts a future brighter than ever, allowing the youth to freely unleash their full potential and creating a tomorrow that’s better for all.

* David Junias is a consultant for the #BeFree Movement under the One Economy Foundation. He is also a researcher and writer. He holds an honors degree in business management from the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust). 

Email: davidjunias@gmail.com