
Opinion – Don’t go down in flames

Home Youth Corner Opinion – Don’t go down in flames
Opinion –  Don’t go down in flames

Romanus Sindi

It is that time of the year when students are filled with stress about their education. School and university students are so worried about whether they are going to make it in the first semester or not. This is the time we must not be filled with distractions like cellphones, social media, friends and television.

We must get pressurised with our books and related learning materials. Make education a priority, as it is the key to success. It is never a joke. 

When we study hard, we can be self-assured that we can pass our exams – but if we relax and are lazy, then we can fail. 

Studying hard is not bad but we just do not make it a priority because we are too lazy to begin. We should not wait for the examination to be around the corner for us to start preparing for it. 

I know that we are being disturbed by our noisy neighbourhoods, but we can make use of libraries in our spare time, mostly the time we sleep during the day. We can wake up early to study when the neighbourhood is quiet. We should ger acquainted with approaching our teachers, lecturers, and tutors; they would be more than happy to help us. 

One thing that makes us forget what we have studied is cramming new information in the night before an exam. We should not let our problems discourage us, but rather we should work for our good rewards to conquer those problems. We should make use of motivations in the right way to make us move forward. 


Ubuntu in preparation for examination

“Ubuntu” in general translated means “a person is a person through other people”. In isiZulu, “Ubuntu ngumtu ngabanye abantu” means “I am because you are” or “I am where I am because of you”. It is a philosophy that invites us to reflect on our humanity. In life, we need others to help us, motivate us and make us grow. We, as students, need to come together and lift each other up in academics to climb together the ladder of success. You may have plentiful resources for your education but if you don’t know how to make use of them, you will surely not make it but through “Ubuntu”, your fellows might help you to make use of the plentiful resources they have. 

Studying together may also help those who may not have enough information, especially those who have been “out in the cold” during classes. So, when we can study with others, we can easily remember during examinations what we have discussed with others. 

In business, “Ubuntu” is practiced in the form of partnership and it is the key that leads the business to success. 

When we can work together, it is a user-friendly platform. All in all, working together may help us combat unemployment, homelessness, and poverty. 

During this time let us study to pass not to fail. Let’s use “Ubuntu” as a tool to achieve together so that we may not go down in flames.

Break a leg!