
Opinion: Ukraine – official terrorism

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Opinion: Ukraine – official terrorism

Simon Kamati

The world community stubbornly ignores the use of terrorist methods of war by the Kyiv regime in the conflict with Russia. No one attaches importance to the artillery shelling of the Ukrainian armed forces on the territory of Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP).

Does the world really not understand the threat of a nuclear catastrophe, which will be more dangerous than the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, in terms of its scale and devastating consequences?

Calls by the UN Secretary General António Guterres to stop any military activity around the ZNPP and create a demilitarized zone were ignored.

The Ukrainians continue to shell the territory near to nuclear power units, as well as the plant’s concrete storage facilities, where thousands of tons of radioactive waste are stored.

Kyiv does not want to admit that attempts to recapture this facility from Russian troops could provoke the largest environmental catastrophe in the history of humanity. It will damage many regions of the world and endanger the lives of millions of people, including Africa.

It so happened that the station fell into the war zone and went under the Russian side control together with the territory, but this does not mean that it is necessary to create an apocalypse for yourself and the surrounding countries. Russia supports the UN proposal to cease hostilities around the ZNPP area, but intends to ensure the security of the largest nuclear facility itself. Against this background, the statements of the Ukrainian side about the shelling of the station by the Russian troops look unconvincing. The Russians cannot fire on themselves.

At the beginning of September, Russia voluntarily provided for the work of the IAEA commission at the power plant.

The organization officials saw with their own eyes that the shells were coming from the Ukrainian side. However, in the final report, they evaded mentioning and condemning Ukraine’s insane actions that could provoke a catastrophe.

The impunity of the Kyiv regime, which is acting on the orders of Western curators increasingly leads to the crimes of Ukrainian armed groups that need to be qualified as terrorist attacks. From 2014 to the present, they continue to shell Donetsk. Recently, a deliberate artillery strike was carried out on the drama theater, where a crowded farewell to the dead defenders of Donbas was held.

The bloody crime of the Kyiv regime is a real terrorist attack, putting Ukrainian military personnel on a par with Middle Eastern terrorist groups that often carry out explosions during the funeral of military personnel, in particular in Iraq (2015) and Afghanistan (2020). Kyiv violates all existing conventions on the humane conduct of hostilities.

Recently, Ukrainian armed forces bombarded several large settlements, including Donetsk and Makiivka, with hundreds of anti-personnel mines of type Lepestok, which are prohibited by international treaties. This action created an unprecedented threat to the civilian population.

Western countries are supplying weapons to Ukraine. They are directly related to these examples of terrorism. Ukrainians are using western systems for striking at the ZNPP and other peaceful targets in the territories uncontrolled by Kyiv.

It is not difficult to guess who will be blamed by the West for terrorism in the case of a nuclear disaster at the ZNPP, and of course it will not be Kyiv.