Oshakati to create 3 000 jobs

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Oshakati to create 3 000 jobs

The Oshakati Town Council plans to create more than 3 000 temporary jobs through housing construction contracts with various small and medium enterprises in town.

According to Oshakati mayor Leonard Hango, the council is currently servicing Oshakati North Extension 11 and 12, which comprises 256 erven. 

“Of 256 erven, 90 erven will be allocated to 30 upcoming developers. Each developer will build three houses, subject to the conditions set,” he explained.  

He said, over the years, such jobs were given to well-established contractors – and for that reason, no developers or company that was already allocated by the council via the developer’s system will be considered.

“We want to create jobs in our town; we want everyone to work and put something on the table. In return, these SMEs are going to recruit other people,’’ he said.

Hango indicated the developers would be given beneficiaries from the waiting list.

He said the purchase price would be N$264 per square metre as per the resolution by the standing committee, planning, own engineer, finance and the office of the CEO. 

He said the erven would be transferred directly to the beneficiaries and not to the developer to avoid extra costs.

“Beneficiaries will also sign a deed of sales with the department of planning and properties, and not the developer,” he stated.

Hango also said the developer will offer a variety of house plans to the beneficiaries and not stick to one house plan for all.

He mentioned the developer should comply with the Labour Act and adhere to the conditions of employment.

The mayor indicated that once the developer finished with paperwork and start the construction, completion of the project will be limited to six months.

“The completion certificates will be issued in the name of the company allocated the erven to develop by the council,” said the mayor.

Hango further explained council has been flooded with upcoming local SME developers, who always wanted to be accorded the opportunity to develop houses for the clients on the waiting list.

The council has allocated contracts to several developers since 2014 – and as the first project of its kind, it yielded positive results for the town.

– vkaapanda@nepc.com.na