
Oukwanyama mum on protesters’ allegations

Home National Oukwanyama mum on protesters’ allegations

ONGWEDIVA – The Oukwanyama Traditional Authority said it will not dwell into the allegations made by a group of protestors against their tribal head Ohamba Martha Christian Nelumbu and her authority.
Their basis to not react is that the grievances were not addressed to them.

Chairperson of the Oukwanyama Traditional Authority George Nelulu said the authority is also waiting to hear from the person to whom the petition was addressed.

The petition is addressed to the Minister of Urban and Rural Development Peya Mushelenga.
“We have nothing to say, the petition was not addressed to us. We are also just waiting for feedback,” said Nelulu.
Nelulu however said the traditional authority leadership will convey a meeting today at the Oukwanyama Palace at Omhedi.
The meeting will seek to discuss the issues mentioned in the petition, but maintained that it will not discuss the matter outside the authority leadership.

On Wednesday, a group of people from seven districts in a petition received by the Governor of Ohangwena Region Usko Nghaamwa is demanding for Nelumbu to be removed within 30 days.

The group further demanded that all the activities of the traditional authority be suspended until such a time the government and the community collectively appoint a temporary leadership.

Equally, the group want seven advisors and traditional councillors of the Oukwanyama Traditional Authority removed.
The group accuses their Ohamba Nelumbu of being unfit to rule and unite her subjects.

“Based on the above legal comprehensive and legal reasons, we finally concluded that Meekulu Martha Christian Nelumbu is absolutely unfit to lead, unite and maintain peace among Ovakwanyama people who has been at peace with one another before her appointment,” reads the petition.