
Over 800 malaria cases in Kavango

Home Front Page News Over 800 malaria cases in Kavango

John Muyamba

RUNDU – The ministry of health in Kavango West and Kavango East region have reported about 827 malaria cases, while inhabitants are being encouraged to use mosquito repellents to curb the spread. 
“We are having cases, but we are not in an outbreak we are keeping it under control but the cases that we have now are more than what we had last year. Remember we experienced low rainfall last year,” said the regional chief medical officer for the two Kavango regions, Dr Abiola Adesina.
Adesina said in 2019 the two Kavango regions only had a combined cases of less than 200, for this year starting in January to last week Friday, the two regions reported a combined 827 cases, four times than last year.
“The malaria prevention programme in the two Kavango regions is running well and its one of our priority. Our field officers are busy doing their work in all our districts,” he said.
“We have an integrated programme, we combine vector control with case detection and management that means we treat malaria patients and we follow up their contacts and test them as well and we also spray their houses if they have not been sprayed yet, amongst other measures,” he continued.
We are busy with continuous health education in communities. 
To stop the increase of malaria cases Adesina encouraged communities to take the ministries health education program seriously, and cooperate with their officers who are busy with indoor residual spraying.
“Sleep under treated mosquito nets and if you have malaria symptoms you should go to the nearest health facility, make sure to take care of your environment, ensure there’s no standing water even in unused and open containers, de-bush their surroundings and while fighting malaria we should also note covid-19, stay at home and take care,” he 
said. – jmuyamba@nepc.com.na