
Parental involvement crucial in education

Home National Parental involvement crucial in education

WINDHOEK – The principal of Rocky Crest Primary School yesterday said parental involvement in the academic lives of their children is crucial as it benefits everybody. 

Buks Platt, who has been the principal at the school since its inception in 2010, said the school was “adversely affected” by the implementation of universal primary education, which meant that parents were no longer obliged to pay school development fund fees. 

The school development fund was used to cater for necessities such as stationery, he noted. 
“We have to look at free education in the sense that teachers’ salaries and construction of school buildings are paid for by the government. 

“Now what about the responsibility of parents?” queried Platt. He said that parents who are in the position to contribute financially to the school are encouraged to do so,, while those who cannot are encouraged to be actively involved in their children’s education by contributing to the school in kind. 

This means if a parent is skilled at painting and the school is in need of such skills they are encouraged to participate when such a skill is required. 

“The contribution of parents is extremely important,” said Platt, adding that parents are not forced to make contributions. 
He further mentioned the school has challenges such as the lack of a sports field. 

“We believe in a holistic approach to education and every child deserves the right to education,” said Platt, explaining that sport is equally vital to the development of children. 
“These kids love soccer and netball so we have to go to Concordia College when we have events,” explained Platt. A school hall is not a priority for now, added Platt. 

“It’s almost like a luxury to have a school hall,” noted Platt. 
Due to the demand for space at various schools, some learners are taught in tents, said Platt. 
But that is not a very conducive environment, he said, adding that the tents get very hot. 

“We feed learners every day, courtesy of our soup kitchen and sometimes parents contribute to that initiative through buying vegetables and meat to supplement the porridge,” Platt said. 

Despite some challenges, the school performs relatively well academically and in instilling discipline in learners. 
“Some parents who can no longer afford private school bring their children here. Last year, we were the overall winners of the spelling competition,” Platt said with a glint of pride in his eyes.