Plight of Kavango Traditional Chiefs Relieved

Home Archived Plight of Kavango Traditional Chiefs Relieved

By Surihe Gaomas


Traditional Authorities in most cases get the rough end of the stick when it comes to having adequate resources and facilities to operate effectively and efficiently.

Most of them have been left behind the information communication technology era as they do not have the necessary IT equipment to document their data and keep up with the changes in their respective communities.

Against this background, the Deputy Minister of Finance, Tjikero Tweya, decided to do something about the plight of traditional chiefs in the Kavango Region.

During the course of last year, Tweya consulted various insurance companies in the country to donate computers to the chiefs of the five traditional authorities in the Kavango Region.

Metropolitan Namibia heeded the call and provided five refurbished computers and another five brand new printers to the total value of approximately N$5??????’??